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Study into the value of ISO 9001

23 Mar 2021

The results of a joint study, carried out by UNIDO, ISO and IAF, show that the implementation of accredited certification to ISO 9001 brings positive results both to certified organisations and their customers, and ultimately to the economies themselves.

The study focused on the Asian region and involved a survey, interviews with purchasers, and visits to certified organisations.


The key findings include:

  • Economic benefits:
    There are clear empirical economic benefits to the implementation of accredited certified quality management systems.
  • Credibility of ISO 9001:
    In general, the perception of accredited certification to ISO 9001 in the region is positive.
  • Positive purchaser perceptions:
    Purchasers confirmed that they were satisfied with the performance of ISO 9001 certified suppliers, and in general performed better or ‘much better’ than non-certified suppliers.

A full copy of the report is available from the UNIDO website.