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Recent ISO 9001 APG Publications

04 Apr 2021

The ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group has published a new paper, “Auditing Digital Processes”, and revised the paper on “Effective use of ISO 19011”.

The ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group (APG) has published a new paper, “Auditing Digital Processes“. It has also revised and expanded the paper on “Effective use of ISO 19011” to provide an overview of ISO 19011:2018. Both papers can be found in the “Auditing General” section of the ISO 9001 APG website.


The APG has also withdrawn one paper, “Electronic Documented Information Systems“, since its content is now covered by the papers on “Auditing Digital Processes” and “Remote Audits“.


Enquiries or requests are welcome at the following email address: charles.corrie@bsigroup.com.