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Annex 2– New IAF MLA Signatories and Scope Extensions

Annex 2– New IAF MLA Signatories and Scope Extensions

IAF Resolution 2022-16 – Regional Accreditation Group IAF MLA Scope Extensions

The General Assembly noted the MLA scope extensions, since the 2021 General Assembly, of the following IAF Regional Accreditation Group members:

  • AFRAC – Main Scope: Product Certification – ISO/IEC 17065; Main Scope: Certification of Persons – ISO/IEC 17024.

IAF Resolution 2022-17 – New AB IAF MLA Signatories

The General Assembly noted the admissions to the IAF MLA, since the 2021 General Assembly, of the following IAF Accreditation Body Members:

  • NIER Korea (APAC) – Main Scope: Validation and Verification – ISO 14065
  • UAF United States of America (APAC) – Main Scope: Management Systems Certification – ISO/IEC 17021-1; Sub-Scopes: Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-3, ISO/IEC 17021-2; Sub-Scopes: Level 5: ISO 9001, ISO 14001
  • GAC (Georgia) Georgia (EA) – Main Scope: Product Certification – ISO/IEC 17065; Main Scope: Certification of Persons – ISO/IEC 17024
  • EAS Ethiopia (AFRAC) – Main Scope: Management System Certification – ISO/IEC 17021-1; Sub-Scope: Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-3; Sub-Scope: Level 5: ISO 9001
  • CYS-CYSAB Cyprus (EA) – Main Scope: Product Certification – ISO/IEC 17065
  • LATAK Latvia (EA) – Main Scope: Product Certification – ISO/IEC 17065; Main Scope: Management Systems Certification – ISO/IEC 17021-1; Main Scope: Certification of Persons – ISO/IEC 17024; Main Scope: Validation and Verification – ISO 14065; Sub-Scopes: Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-3, ISO/IEC 17021-2, ISO/TS 22003, ISO/IEC 27006, ISO/IEC TS 17021-10, ISO 50003, ICAO CORSIA ETM Vol. IV, ISO 14064-3, ISO 14066; Sub-Scopes: Level 5: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, ISO 13485, ICAO CORSIA SARPs Annex 16 Vol. IV
  • O’ZAKK Uzbekistan (APAC) – Main Scope: Product Certification – ISO/IEC 17065; Main Scope: Management Systems Certification – ISO/IEC 17021-1; Sub-Scopes: Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-3, ISO/IEC 17021-2, ISO/TS 22003, ISO/IEC TS 17021-10, ISO 50003; Sub-Scopes: Level 5: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 45001, ISO 50001
  • ACFS Thailand (APAC) – Main Scope: Product Certification – ISO/IEC 17065; Main Scope: Management Systems Certification – ISO/IEC 17021-1; Sub-Scope: Level 4: ISO/TS 22003, Sub-Scope: Level 5: ISO 22000.

IAF Resolution 2022-18 – AB IAF MLA Scope Extensions

The General Assembly noted the MLA scope extensions, since the 2021 General Assembly, of the following IAF Accreditation Body Members:

  • PAB Philippines (APAC) – Main Scope: Product Certification – ISO/IEC 17065
  • NSC Thailand (APAC); DPA Albania, INAB Ireland (EA) – Main Scope: Certification of Persons – ISO/IEC 17024
  • KAN Indonesia, NSC Thailand (APAC) – Main Scope: Validation and Verification – ISO 14065
  • GAC (GCC) GCC Economies (ARAC) – Main Scope: Management Systems Certification – ISO/IEC 17021-1; Sub-Scopes: Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-3, ISO/IEC 17021-2; Sub-Scopes: Level 5: ISO 9001, ISO 14001
  • SAE Ecuador (IAAC); JAB Japan (APAC) – Sub-Scope: Level 4: GLOBALG.A.P. IFA General Regulations; Sub-Scope: Level 5: GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Control Points and Compliance Criteria
  • OLAS Luxembourg (EA); KAN Indonesia, UAF United States of America (APAC) – Sub-Scope: Level 4: ISO/IEC TS 17021-10; Sub-Scope: Level 5: ISO 45001
  • JAB Japan (APAC) – Sub-Scope: Level 4: ISO/TS 22003, FSSC 22000 Scheme Part 3 – Requirements for the Certification Process, FSSC 22000 Scheme Part 4 – Requirements for Certification Bodies; Sub-Scope: Level 5: FSSC 22000 Scheme Part 2 – Requirements for organizations to be audited
  • GAC (GCC) GCC Economies (ARAC); UAF United States of America (APAC) – Sub-Scope: Level 4: ISO/TS 22003; Sub-Scope: Level 5: ISO 22000
  • UAF United States of America (APAC) – Sub-Scope: Level 4: ISO/IEC 27006; Sub-Scopes: Level 5: ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 13485